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Thinking About Serving A Mission? 

Try out a semester with ILP as a Latter-day Saint mission alternative to see what a service abroad is really like! You'll get the chance to travel, connect with locals, and provide all sorts of service on this type of trip. By living abroad in a different country as mission prep (or a mission alternative), you'll be able to see what it's like living away from home and serving those around you — all things missionaries experience, no matter where they are called. 

We send volunteers in countries all over the world to teach English or volunteer in an orphanage for 4-month travel trips, but still give you the chance to travel around, too. You can kind of think of like a college student mission trip: You get the chance to serve with people your age who have similar standards, follow a code of conduct, and get free time and scheduled vacation time to have fun in a new country. 


Learn More About Volunteering With ILP

International Language Programs (or ILP) is a non-profit organization that sends volunteers abroad for a semester of teaching English or helping in an orphanage. Our programs are 3-4 months long, and focused on helping volunteers make a difference through their service, as well as provide opportunities to travel.

If you're someone who is looking to be adventurous, are motivated to explore a new country, dive right into a new group of friends and totally new experiences, it sounds like this is a great program for you. Our organization is set up to help you begin your trip, but then the experiences you have are up to you. 

  • No previous skills required
    You don't need to speak another language, have traveled anywhere, or have any teaching experience to be an ILP volunteer. 

  • Help children learn English!
    You have the ability to make a difference, change a child's life just by caring and sharing your gift of speaking English. Bridge cultural gaps in the country you live, make lasting friendships with your group of peer volunteers, have incredible experiences that will affect your own life for the better in countless ways — all components you'd experience as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

  • Travel with a group
    This isn't a solo program — you'll always have the support of a group of ILP volunteers who teach, live and travel with you ... sort of like a companion in the mission field.

  • Go abroad on your budget
    The program fee includes airfare, a visa, accommodation, food, culture classes and training for the entire semester. 

  • Follow a code of conduct 
  • Every ILP volunteer must abide by a Code of Conduct (one that is similar to BYU, if you're familiar). While quite a few of our volunteers are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (and enjoy church meetings and temple trips on their semester), it's not required. However, the Code of Conduct creates an atmosphere of shared standards throughout the experience. 

  • Your 4-month world travel trip
    We would
    n't send you all the way to another country and not give you time to see it. Volunteer up to 20 hours per week (with Saturday and Sunday off) and have tons of time to explore with your group. You'll also have scheduled vacation time throughout the semester.

Hear From Past Volunteers

We’ve had volunteers use a semester with ILP to see what it’s like actually living away from home, handling a new culture, budgeting, and giving back to the community … sort of testing the waters of a mission with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. On their semester, we’ve had volunteers who have: 

— Decided they wanted to be a missionary while volunteering with ILP
— Gone back as elders and sister missionaries to the same country they were volunteering in! 
— Said their ILP semester made a huge difference in the success of their mission experience (read Lucy's story here). 

Have A Few More Questions?Screen Shot 2021-02-02 at 11.06.15 AM-1

Get a few of your questions answered by chatting with an ILP Representative; they've volunteered with us before and are here to help you get things figured out: 

 Text Me! I've Got Questions

A Little More About ILP + The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Our non-profit organization isn’t affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or sponsored by it, but we’ve spent over 20 years sending thousands of people abroad (many who are members of the Church, some who are returned from a mission, and others who want to become a missionary after their volunteer service ).

However, this isn’t an EFY program — Volunteers have lots of free time to spend as they want, and what you do in that free time is really up to you. It's a student travel opportunity that's right in the middle; volunteers will get some structure but will also get free time. 

While you don’t have to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to volunteer with ILP, every volunteer signs a Code of Conduct to help encourage similar standards. Chances are, not everyone in your ILP group will be members of the church, but attending church (if you wish) is always an option.  Some countries even have access to temples, especially those volunteering in Europe and Central America (and areas of the Caribbean). 

Get More Information

Come visit our website — There are links to our blog, more information about who we are, where you can serve, FAQ's, and see pictures from past volunteers! 
